Timbangan Gantung Digital Sonic AAE

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Ditambahkan 03.10
Kategori Crane Scale Produk
Harga Harga : Call @ Sonic AAE  Digital scales hanging model for the brand or commonly called the  Crane Scale . Can be used to weigh loads ...
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DESKRIPSI Timbangan Gantung Digital Sonic AAE

Harga : Call @

Sonic AAE Digital scales hanging model for the brand or commonly called the Crane Scale. Can be used to weigh loads up tons. Strong and durable and has advanced features such as remote control, can be connected to a computer to store and process data items are weighed heavy.


AAE series scale have vrious hardware version with stable performance to support the users all of the worldSuper bright 5 digit LED display with 30mm letter height, suitable for using indoor with dimly light
Microdiecasing aluminum-magnesium alloy housing with high strengthLight self weight and pleasant appearance
Multi-functions including Hold, Zero and divisions convertionPromptly unlock the rear casing to change the battery
360° safe rotated hook, convenient to use